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Father's Day Gift Guide - Fishing

Since Father's Day is quickly approaching I wanted to put together a series of recommendations for your wives/sons/daughters out there or so your Dad's could forward this on as a subtle hint!  I am going to break these into different themes rather than one big list.  Today's theme goes along with a personal recent event and highlights some fishing gear that ole Dad may not be familiar with and just doesn't know he has to have yet.  You could take the cake by providing all 4 of these and giving him the big 10-4 good buddies to take the day off and go fishing.  Provided he plans to cook up his catch for you later on!

Buck Splizzors

Buck Knives $115After I lost all of my Dad's old needlenose pliers when I was a kid I graduated to a multi-tool to carry fishing with me.  That way I would have pliers, a knife, scissors, and a dozen other accessories with me at all times.  After opening and closing the multi-tool thousands of times to access the plier and scissors I came across the Splizzors.  No opening, folding, closing searching for what I needed.  Which I also realized wasn't a million different tools.  Literally, when fishing, 98% of the time all I need are scissors and pliers.  For the other 2 % I needed a bottle opener...oh wait they put one on here too!

Summit Savory Chicken

Paleo Meals to Go $9.99 (Use code HF25 to get 25% off)So on the outside chance Dad gets to hit the water the last thing he wants to do is waste time leaving to pick up lunch or spend his morning packing something.  Keep him on the water with some Paleo Meals to Go.  I just tried some of these on Friday and it was great.  They were already prepared, all I had to do was add some water.  One I ate with cold water (because I really didn't want to lose any fishing time) and the other I used hot water.  I was very satisfied and more importantly I was thoroughly nourished.  These Paleo Meals to Go are chalked full of pure goodness that tastes great and is healthy to boot. 

Fish Cleaning Table

Cabelas $59.99 - Let's just assume Dad has an amazing day at the lake and is blessed with a very heavy stringer.  You already made the deal with him that if he did well he owed you a fish dinner.  At least make it easy on him and pick up a convenient and portable fishing cleaning table.  Your garden hose hooks right up to the attached faucet and you can drain the fishy water into a bucket to dispose of later.  (Really, this one is more for mom so those fish don't get cleaned in the house or on the patio table!) 

After the Hunt

Scent Kapture $ 5.99 Now that everything is done and maybe Dad wants to snuggle with Mama a little bit he'd best not show up smelling like fish guts.  No worries, Scent Kapture has your back.  Use After The Hunt and the only reminder of your great day of angling left lingering around will be your sunburn!  There you have it.  If Dad's a fisherman then any of these products will serve useful.  Who knows, after you give a great gift maybe he'll let you tag along to help put them to work.