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Review: Paleo Meals to Go

Since many of us are relatively adventurous during our hunts and have a keen eye for eating healthy and nutritious, why should we sacrifice when eating in the field or on the go? Thanks to Dawn and Ty at Paleo Meals to Go you don’t have to settle for lackluster nutritional value or highly processed foods to keep you marginally fueled during the hunt.

Their packaged meals are made with actual, real, food.  I know that sounds funny but read the ingredients in the reviews below!  I’m not sure I could cook this “clean” at home and still have it taste this good.  Another advantage of these delicious meals from Paleo Meals to Go is even if you aren’t backpacking into the mountains for a week they have a place in your pantry.  Let’s say you have a day off to sneak some hunting (or fishing in my case last Friday) around the home, the last thing you want to do is waste your precious time cooking.  Pick up one or two of these Paleo Meals to Go and all you have to do is add water and you will be completely satisfied and doing what you love doing.  I had the chance to sample three of Paleo Meals to Go’s offerings and have provided you with my thoughts below. 

Here’s a hint…I’ll be buying some more of these.

Palisade Pineapple Mango

Calories 170, Protein 2g, Fat 0g, Carbs 42gIngredients: Bananas, mango, strawberries, pineapple, blueberries

My Thoughts:

These fruit snacks are awesome!  No water is required, you just open and eat.  The fruit taste was very enticing.  These are not dull, bland, tasteless, processed pieces of fruit.  They are very sweet and tangy and make you feel like you’re actually eating something that was at one time a succulent piece of nature.  The mangos are a great addition to this mix and the blueberries have hints of tartness reaffirming they are actually fruit. 

Along with the natural taste, these have some vitamins and minerals remaining after the drying process as is evident on the nutrition label.  Generally dried fruits contain little to no nutritional value but these do.  Looking at the ingredients you won’t feel guilty about sitting down and eating a whole bag since the only thing in the bag is fruit!  Just plain, whole, fruit!  Another thing I really liked about these is if you are the type to try and save a little money and buy nuts in bulk to make your own trail mix these are a clean and healthy way to get some fruity sweetness in your mix.


These fruit snacks not only have a place in your pack they belong in your house.  My wife is always looking for dried fruit for the kids that isn’t loaded with sugar and preservatives.  We now have an option!  I shared these with my 7, 3, and 1 year old and they ate them like they were candy.  The fruit taste is so good in these you’ll definitely want to have them with you on a weeklong trip in the mountains to bring a little sweet, fruity, sunshine to your days. In conclusion, these Paleo Meals to Go were fantastic. They could easily change the name to “healthy, delicious, whole meals for the guy who doesn’t like to cook”.  I recommend these for your next hunting trip or anytime you will be on the run and unable to prepare your own meal. 

Don’t forget to use discount code HF25 to get 25% off your order!!

(Disclaimer: These products were sent to me at no charge in exchange for an honest and thorough review.  I receive no financial compensation if you use the discount code HF25 when you make your purchase.  I did however very much enjoy these three items and happily recommend them for you and look forward to eating them again myself.)