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Hunters Fitness and Nutrition

 As hunter athletes we are constantly reading and learning to improve our odds of success in the field.  You are looking at right now so you're on the right track!  You could also be reading one of many available fitness magazines or hunting related publications to pick out your next strategy or nutrition plan.  I have found a magazine (actually two) that combines both nutrition and fitness with hunting, Elk Hunter Magazine and Western Hunter Magazine

Both Elk Hunter and Western Hunter basically come from the same group of guys but definitely do not duplicate content.  As you can tell from the titles one covers specifically elk hunting and the other covers a broader range of game and topics.  I have subscribed to both for years and have been completely satisfied with the periodicals they put together over the course of a year.  However, the reason I am telling you about them today is specifically related to our favorite topic of hunting and fitness. Elk Hunter has two sections,  Elk Fit, and Hunters Fitness & Nutrition.  Dan Stanton and Kristy Titus team up together to cover a wide variety of topics that will make you a more fit hunter and improve your overall quality of life through exercise and nutrition.  They give fitness tips, nutrition strategies, and suggestions on how to improve your mental toughness.  Generally, when I get my new issue these are the first two sections I read.  Their articles have inspired me as well as introduced me to several concepts I would otherwise not have been aware of.  If you are not familiar with either Dan or Kristy I suggest you Google either one of them and you will see an impressive collection of fitness and hunting-related accomplishments. Western Hunter also has two sections, Fuel the Fire and Hunters Fitness & Nutrition. 

Kristy Titus once again imparts her wisdom to us and former University of New Mexico Strength and Conditioning Coach and founder of Wilderness Athlete Mark Paulsen joins the team.  They give us some great insight into exercise techniques, and how to improve our diets, and one that is very important and not often covered in depth is how to pack/prepare meals for mountain hunting.  As you probably expected these are my favorite two sections and the ones that garner a lot of interest on my part. I'll give you some examples of what these articles bring to the table so you have a better idea of what to expect.  In the current issue of Elk, Hunter Kristy goes into detail of how to manage weight loss and properly fuel your body.  She does this by breaking down the importance of not only what you eat but when and where the calories should come from.  The Western Hunter gives Mark Paulsen (Coach P) the chance to explain the importance of being versatile in our training to maximize our readiness in the mountains.  He gives examples of how focusing on just one aspect of your physical abilities can severely handicap your performance in the hunting world. If you're like me and your thoughts constantly revolve around being a better and more healthy hunter then be sure to check out the Elk Fit, Fuel the Fire, and Hunters Fitness & Nutrition sections of Elk and Western Hunter Magazines.

(Disclaimer:  As previously stated I have been a subscriber to these magazines for several years and have benefited tremendously from the knowledge gained from reading them.  I receive nothing in return if you chose to subscribe.  My job is to make you better and more prepared hunters and by reading the sections discussed in this article you will be.)