Christmas Buyers Guide
It's a Great Time of Year to Spread Your Love of the Outdoors to Others. Who Wouldn't Love Some New Hunting and Outdoor Related Gifts?!?! (photo courtesy of
So you want to get something thoughtful for that hunter or outdoorsperson in your life but just don't know what to get? Let me help. The following are some suggestions and ideas so you can give something meaningful to those important in your life. Several of the items I have posted reviews on, but after using them this past season loved them even more. Others are items that just seem too cool or useful not to pass along. Regardless, I hope you find something below that will get you or your loved one outside, active, or put some quality meat on the table.
I've been drooling over Sitka Gear for a while now but just couldn't convince myself there was anything wrong with my current cold weather hunting clothes. Now that I finally hunted in the Fanatic Jacket and Bibs I can't believe I waited so long. These are some seriously well thought out pieces of "gear" rather than simply clothing. I was totally impressed and believe you will be too.Some other random thoughts on gifts items could include a windproof lighter, custom knife, a nice stocking hat for wintertime runs, leather hunting journal, kettlebells (about $1/lb online), or perhaps the best gift of all some motivation and support to get more fit for next hunting season. Either way, I would personally take any of these items and I certainly hope you like them as well.
Most importantly Merry Christmas and remember that it is the birth of Christ we are celebrating.Disclaimer: Some of the items mentioned above I have purchased with my own money, others I had previously received at no charge in return for a review on, others I randomly came across, and some I just wouldn't mind having myself. I receive no compensation if you chose to purchase any of the aforementioned items. However, if you need my address so you can send any of them to me as a gift I can arrange that.