Don't Give Up Just Yet!
There Is Still Time Right Now to Put Meat in the Freezer!
Just because it's almost 2017 don't give up on this hunting season just yet. While several seasons have closed there are many that are still open. Don't just hibernate for the winter and wait for Spring turkey or bear season. Make the best of what you have now and keep that primal fire burning and fresh meat on the grill.
I know for a fact that here in Illinois with the recent bursts of cold weather the deer have herded up big time. If you know of a late season food plot or field that may have not been picked clean then you should get on it. Deer can be seen in abundant numbers in the afternoon/evenings so now might just be your chance. I have seen some of the biggest bucks of my life in late December/January while out hunting. I don't know if its the cold weather causing them to move and feed more often or that all the gunshots have subsided and they feel it's safe to show themselves again but I have seen some amazing deer this time of year. Don't forget about some of the late antlerless seasons available either if you're looking for a nice freezer filler.
No need to lay around waiting for next year. Get out there and enjoy these wintertime opportunities that we have. If nothing else, you'll be a better hunter next year for the additional practice you got in this year. Maybe you'll even get something to throw into a nice stew on one of these cold winter days.