New Training Technique Guaranteed to Make You Rough, Tough, and Buff!

OK, so the title is a bit of a spoof on New Year’s resolutions and quick and easy ways to get fit. Let’s face it, if it’s quick and easy and you’ve got high expectations for your ability to tackle the mountains this fall then likely you’ll be left short of reaching your goals.  But let me say this…something is better than nothing.  So if you’re new to the fitness game or looking to get back into it please at least get started. 

It will become contagious and you’ll soon be making strides and improvements while expanding your capabilities. Now back to the original intent of the article. There is no single regime or magic potion that will provide a solution to everyone’s fitness objectives. I can give suggestions on ones that I’ve had success with in the past but ultimately you have to get motivated and put in the effort. The Bigger, Faster, Stronger program is something I used while playing college football. I saw tremendous gains while using this program but put a tremendous amount of time and effort into it. 

A couple of other programs that have piqued my interest as of late are Train to Hunt and MTN Tough.  If you need some guidance or motivation these may be your ticket. Over the last couple of years, I’ve personally adopted a rudimentary approach to my own health and fitness by running more and utilizing sandbags for resistance training.  

This works for me as I can do my workouts at home or while waiting around while my kids are at practice.  Time is a luxury for me so whenever I can maximize my utility I jump on it. The point is there are tons of resources out there (including this site!) for the beginner to the expert. You need to make the commitment to yourself and execute.  When you put in the sweat equity that’s when you’ll begin looking and feeling better all while setting yourself up for success this fall. The last comment I’ll make is if you’re hunting with a group, get them involved as well. 

Hold one another accountable for your workouts.  Two of my great friends and hunting partners partake in this kind of friendly competition as we prepare for our elk hunts together.  At times we would check with one another daily to see how far the other ran or how many reps of squats someone busted out.  Great incentive to not let your buddies down. So make the decision and commit to bettering yourself this year. It will pay dividends in the end.


Sandbag Over the Shoulders


Gear Review: Weston Pro-2300 Vacuum Sealer